Related Publications
Research Papers
Rafael Mesquita. What do I need to say to get your signature? Adding draft resolution text to the UN General Assembly Sponsorship Dataset. Research & Politics, 11(4). 2024. Link.
Alexsandro Eugenio Pereira. The World Bank Inspection Panel from an institutionalist perspective. IN: Antje Vetterlein; Tobias Schmidtke (Eds.). The Elgar Companion to the World Bank. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2024. Link
Marcelo de Almeida Medeiros. Multilateralism: Quo Vadis?. Braz. political sci. rev., v. 19, n. 2, e0001. 2024. Link.
Miguel Mikelli Ribeiro. Desafios normativos da Responsabilidade de Proteger: uma abordagem teórica da institucionalização à contestação*. Estudios Internacionales, 56(208), 127–156. 2024. Link.
Rafael Mesquita, Antonio Pires. Jurisprudence in hard and soft law output of international organizations: a network analysis of the use of precedent in UN Security Council and general assembly resolutions. Artificial Intelligence Law. 2024. Link.
Rafael Mesquita. The only living guerrillero in New York: Cuba and the brokerage power of a resilient revisionist state. Review of International Organizations, 2024. Link
Gabriela Ferreira, Rodrigo Lyra, Amâncio Oliveira, Measuring Brazilian science diplomacy: what do international students think of Brazil?, Estudos Internacionais, Volume 10, Issue 4, 41-54, 2023. Link.
Miguel Mikelli Ribeiro, Antonio Pires. Mass atrocities, peace operations, and the UNSC: How responsive is the UN Security Council to atrocity events through peacekeeping mandates?. International Peacekeeping, 2023. Link
Rafael Mesquita, Antonio Pires. The references of the nations: Introducing a corpus of UN General Assembly resolutions since 1946 and their citation network. Journal of Peace Research, 2023. Link
Rafael Mesquita. The Road Most Traveled by: Three Hypotheses about Influential Norms at the United Nations General Assembly Identified by Main Path Analysis. Global Governance, 2023. Link
Lucas Feitosa, Rafael Mesquita, Access, Technology, and Transition: Mapping the Themes of the Debate on Energy at the United Nations General Assembly (2000-2020), Brazilian Political Science Review Volume 17, Number 3, e0002, 2023. Link
Rafael Mesquita, Antonio Pires, What Are UN General Assembly Resolutions for? Four Views on Parliamentary Diplomacy, International Studies Review, Volume 25, Issue 1, March 2023, viac058, DOI
Andrei Polejack, Jenice Goveas, Sam Robinson, Tim Flink, Gabriela Ferreira, Where is the Global South in the Science Diplomacy Narrative?, Social Science Research Network, December 2022 Pre-print. DOI
Gabriela Ferreira, Janina Onuki, Relación bilateral Argentina-Brasil: ciencia y tecnologia. El futuro del Brasil. Política exterior y relación bilateral con la Argentina del próximo Gobierno brasileño, Buenos Aires: Red Argentina de Profesionales para la Política Exterior, September 2022, pp. 32-34. Link
GENDER STI, Overview of Gender Inequalities in STI Agreements between EU and Third Countries, Link, 2022
Gabriela Ferreira, Lucas Damasceno, Amâncio Oliveira, Janina Onuki, Os efeitos dos programas de intercâmbio na educação superior na percepção das elites sobre o Brasil. Tempo do Mundo, nº 28, April 2022, pp. 245-268. DOI