Rafael Mesquita delivers talk on “The History of the United Nations as told by its most cited resolutions” at the Saltzman Institute on War and Peace Studies at Columbia University on March 21, 2024. Link.
Members of the Research Project ‘Multilateralism and Global Challenges” among the intervenants at the 8th Multistakeholder Forum on Science, Techonology and Innovation (STI Forum) promoted by the UN’s Economic and Social Council on May 2nd in New York
Members of the Research Project “Multilateralism and Global Challenges” will present papers at the ISA 2023 Annual Convention (March 15th - 18th) in the panels “Multilateral Responses to Evolving Global Challenges and National Agendas”, “Text Data in the Study of International Organizations”, and the roundtable “International Organizations and Research Methods”. ISA 2023 Program
“Qu’est-ce qui rend une résolution importante ? Contributions de l’analyse des réseaux sociaux à l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies”. Post at the “Observatoire Multilatéralisme et Organisations Internationales” (Groupement de Recherche sur l’Action Multilatérale, GRAM). (Oct. 2024). Link
“Researchers from the Northeast of Brazil present at the UN technologies that combine data science and diplomacy”. News story by the UFPE Press Agency. (May 2023) Link
“Insights into Energy Diplomacy and the UN: Data-Intensive Research from Brazilian Universities”. Post at the UN Academic Impact website (aug. 2022) Link (see also here)
“Professores da UFPB participam de missão e acompanham implantação de sistema na ONU: ‘troca de tecnologias’”. Coverage by Jornal da Paraíba of academic visit by team of researchers from UFPB, UFPE and UNIFESP to the UN and to the Permanent Mission of Brazil in NY (jul. 2022) Link
“Diplomacia contra a COVID-19”. Interview by Janina Onuki to Revista FAPESP (ed. 314, apr. 2022) Link